October 29, 2009 Luke 13:31-35 The Pharisees were against Jesus. How was it then that in the Gospel reading for today, some Pharisees cam...
Decision-making Dilemma
October 28, 2009 Luke 6:12-16 I've heard it said before, " Pray before you act " . And this is what Jesus did in today...
Go Tell Him The Longings Of Your Heart
October 25, 2009 30th Sunday in Ordinary time Mark 10:46-52 How blessed is Bartimaeus the beggar! In today's Gospel, Jesus Himself ...
What If I Become Rich and Powerful and Famous?
Aug 30, 2009 Mark 7:1-23 James 1:17-27 Nothing outside a man can make him 'unclean' by going into him. Rather, it is what come...
The Leader is Sensitive
July 19, 2009 "We are not slaves" , tells our assistant parish priest in his homily this morning. This he concluded from today...
Evil Whispers
Day after day in the temple courts, and from house to house, they never stopped teaching and proclaiming the good news that Jesus is Christ...
To All Sheep
5-24-09 It's the feast of the Ascension of our Lord Jesus Christ. We commemorate the day when He returned to the Father---that day whe...
Be Friends Once Again
How good is the Lord? Consider this: Whenever you sin, it is He whom you hurt. But you know what, ...